We are pleased to share a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to establish fruitful partnerships on the global stage. Recently, the Secretary General of the WED had the privilege of meeting with officials at the Embassy of Qatar to discuss our shared interests and potential avenues for collaboration. This constructive dialogue marks an important first step towards forging deeper […]


We are delighted to share an update on our ongoing efforts to engage with the Danish government regarding the WED. Despite the complexities of diplomatic schedules and priorities, we have made meaningful progress in our dialogue. Our initial outreach to the office of the Foreign Affairs Minister has been met with a thoughtful response, indicating a thorough consideration of our […]


We are pleased to share our progress in engaging with esteemed representatives from the Canadian government regarding the WED initiative. While our initial outreach to the office of the Foreign Affairs Minister was met with scheduling constraints, we are encouraged by the acknowledgment and consideration given to our proposal. Subsequently, our dialogue extended to the Ambassador’s office, where we received […]


WED is thrilled to announce strides in our mission towards a new era of diplomacy! Recently, we engaged in discussions with esteemed representatives from Bosnia Herzegovina, including a productive meeting with the ambassador to the Netherlands. The Secretary General had the honor of sharing in-depth insights into the initiatives and goals of the World Embassy Desk. These conversations represent a […]


The WED is thrilled to share exciting developments in our journey towards developing alternative pathways of diplomacy. We are honoured to have engaged in discussions with the esteemed Foreign Affairs Minister’s office of Norway. While scheduling constraints prevented a formal meeting at this time, we are encouraged by their thoughtful consideration of our proposal. This acknowledgment underscores the significance of […]


On Friday February 9th, 2024, we have officially requested the International Criminal Court for arrest warrants of the following individuals: It is our opinion, as lawyers and in consideration of the existing proofs, that the charges and crimes committed in Gaza, in violation of the most important text of Humanitarian International Law, amount to War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide. The crimes and […]