We are pleased to provide an update on our recent diplomatic meeting with Iraq. Our delegation was warmly received by the Plenipotentiary Minister in the Netherlands. The Minister expressed great enthusiasm for our initiative and actively engaged in the discussions. He conveyed his excitement about the potential collaboration and is already looking forward to organizing the next meeting. Additionally, he […]


The WED is pleased to announce that our dialogue with Malaysia is thriving. Today, a delegation from the World Embassy Desk was warmly received at the Malaysian Embassy in The Hague. This meeting provided an opportunity to delve deeper into the initiative of the World Embassy Desk and discuss the future of our relationship with Malaysia. The meeting was fruitful, […]


We take great pleasure in sharing an important update on our diplomatic outreach to The Gambia. We recently extended an invitation to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to collaborate and engage with the World Embassy Desk by sending a comprehensive letter outlining our initiative and the mission of our organization. We are delighted to confirm that both the Gambian Embassy […]


We are pleased to share a significant update on our diplomatic endeavors with Costa Rica. We are delighted to confirm the positive reception of our communication and initiation by the Costa Rican authorities. Their prompt acknowledgment underscores their dedication to engaging with our proposal and exploring potential avenues for collaboration. This positive development underscores the significance of our shared objectives […]


It is with a real pleasure that we share a significant milestone in our diplomatic endeavors with Bolivia. In our ongoing commitment to advancing global cooperation and dialogue through the World Embassy Desk (WED), we recently reached out to both the Bolivian Embassy and the esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs. We are immensely grateful for the gracious assistance extended by […]


We are thrilled to share a significant update on our diplomatic engagement with Cote d’Ivoire. In our ongoing mission to foster international peace and diplomacy through the World Embassy Desk, we recently reached out to both the Ivorian Embassy and the esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs. We are delighted to confirm that our communication has been warmly received by the […]


In our ongoing efforts to establish collaborative partnerships, we recently sent a detailed letter outlining the mission and vision of our organization, the World Embassy Desk (WED), to both the Jamaican Embassy in the Netherlands and the esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs. We are encouraged to confirm the receipt of our correspondence by the Jamaican authorities, signifying their acknowledgment and […]


We are pleased to share a promising development in our ongoing diplomatic engagement with Liberia. Following the submission of crucial documents outlining our initiative to both the Liberian Embassy and the esteemed Minister of Foreign Affairs, we are heartened by the initial response. We had the privilege of a productive conversation with the dedicated staff of the Liberian Ambassador to […]


Upon exchanging on the current concerning evolution of the tensions in Middle East, we are glad to observe the shared interests with Switzerland for a return to diplomacy and a swift de-escalation. Despite multiple fruitful exchanges, Switzerland will not proceed with a stronger engagement  with the W.E.D at the moment. We nonetheless appreciate the shared goals of diplomacy that we […]


As part of our ongoing engagement with key stakeholders worldwide, we are pleased to announce that discussions are underway to arrange a meeting with governmental representatives from Angola. Following an encouraging initial response to our proposal, we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to delve into the initiatives undertaken by WED in greater detail with interested parties. We are optimistic that this […]